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  • redfox-dream-art-photography 14/10/2018 3:40

    Angels, indeed...........
    They are so wonderful..........
    And they have a wonderful father.

    best wishes, redfox
  • maureen ross 14/10/2018 21:54

    Thanks, too gentle...they are the fortune of my life a gift of my wife Maurizia. Now I am alone but with her soul. Best wishes ( Cesare)
  • redfox-dream-art-photography 15/10/2018 11:35

    Oh, my dear friend....... I didn't know that you have lost your wife. I'm so sorry...... :-(

    best wishes, redfox
  • maureen ross 15/10/2018 14:00

    My love............

    The short fairy-tale
    That we began as children.
    Hand in hand
    Has ended so:
    Snatches, tearing
    Apart my heart and soul
    Not a kiss a caress.
    A word a mutual understanding
    A twinkling of an eye.
    I have no more tears left,
    While I look for you
    And I don’t find you
    Not even in the shadow
    Of a dream. 
    May ever love, 
    our love
    Unique true immortal
    May ever it console me ?