Sobre mi

... I love the light that makes your eyes sparkle, the light becomes image, photography,
the moment that excites and it touches

Life is not measured by how many breaths we take,but by the moments that take our breath away

"Icarus had a 'soul and inside was a white dream of sun and wind noise, the dream was said that Icarus flew"

Fotografare è porre sulla stessa linea di mira la mente, gli occhi e il cuore.
(Henri Cartier Bresson)

"Non essere invadente per non essere respinto. Non essere distante per non essere dimenticato".

la vita non si misura da quanti respiri facciamo,
ma dai momenti che ci tolgono il respiro

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Nikon D7200
Nikon D 850
SP 70-200mm F/2.8 Di VC USD
Nikon AF-S DX NIKKOR 55-300mm f/4.5-5.6G ED VR
Nikon AF-S DX 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6 G ED VR
Nikon AF-S DX 40mm f/2.8 G Micro
Nikon AF-S DX Nikkor 35mm
sigma f/24.0-70.0 mm f/2.8