Sobre mi

I'm Hans and I'm living in Celle, Lower Saxonia, Germany.

I started photography as a schoolboy in the 1970s with a second-hand EDIXA-Reflex shooting b&w developed by myself. Some own money brought better cameras, b&w changed to color slides, pictures were taken almost traveling abroad ...

Mid of the 90s photography was buried into oblivion by job and family. When Digital Photography was invented I made a new start in 2005.

I'm interested in travel, nature and 'street' (however you will define this ...) and I love taking pictures in museums and exhibitions. Sometimes I like to experiment with details and transfiguration.

In my opinion content and compostion always rule over technical detail.

So I'm looking forward to your critical comments and suggestions!

(To all native speakers: plesase let me know what is wrong or not common with my English!)

Comentarios 60

  • Janos Gardonyi 04/04/2016 19:30

    Hello Hans, I enjoyed your trip to Prague.... very informative and edifying. Great street photography.
    Thanks for your shell-out of comments on my stuff. Here it's far more difficult to do this, because if people notice you they start screaming and yelling, call police etc. And Canada is not a police state like Czechslovakia was. take care and keep the Faith and G-d bless America. :)) janos
  • † Autour 17/02/2016 19:03

    Hallo Hans,

    vielen Dank für deine freundlichen Worte. Das Kompliment kann ich voll und ganz zurückgeben, auch in deinem Portfolio sind viele spannende Bilder! Den Ordner "Street and Social" hebe ich mir für meinen nächsten Besuch auf; dort scheint mir auch eine Menge Humor zu lauern.

  • Carlo.Pollaci 08/01/2016 20:48

    Thank you very much.
    On the road
    On the road
  • Christos Banos 12/12/2015 17:10

    Hello Hans, thanks a lot for your nice comment!
    The shadow on the ground comes from a decorative roof of an adjacent pavilion...
    Best rgrds, Christos
    Ride on
    Ride on
    Christos Banos
  • Janos Gardonyi 05/12/2015 2:14

    oh dear, wonders of HDR photography....
    actually a bomb just exploded around there. the Serbs tried to blow up Marshall Tito.....:)))
    thanks for the comment, Hans......... janos (another Hans)
  • Patricia González Schütz 03/12/2015 18:33

    Very nice your "About Me" on your profile :) Thanks for comments! Venice is something incredible for photography, very grateful to have it so near!
    Greetings from Italy Randy!
  • Carlos 1 07/08/2015 22:38

    Pleased you like this interpretation, appreciated Hans.
    Have a nice weekend.
  • Carlos 1 07/08/2015 22:32

    Thank you Hans, for visit, comment and advise.
    Probably will follow your hint at a next version.
    Have a nice weekend.
  • Christos Banos 07/08/2015 18:20

    Thank you for your nice comment, Hans!
    There are so many lanterns here on the coastal road of my town that I do not know which is the most my favorite ... :-))
    best rgrds, Christos
    Carrying a sea bath accessory
    Carrying a sea bath accessory
    Christos Banos
  • dolphin-e 06/08/2015 14:44

    Many thanks for your comment, dear Hans! I see, and it is pleasant for me, we have had similar practice last time, under a red lantern in the dark room...
    I am glad to get to know you. Best wishes!
  • Giampiero Mazzoleni 21/07/2015 16:07

    Hallo Hans, freue ich mich sehr, dass Sie meine Fotos gefallen. Vielen Dank für die Komplimente, ich wünsche Ihnen einen guten Tag. Ein Gruß, Giampi.
  • Carlos 1 20/07/2015 15:38

    Flattered by your comment dear Hans, thank's for the support.
    Have a good time.
  • Christos Banos 20/07/2015 8:11

    Thank you very much for your nice words! Appreciated, Hans!
    Best regards, Christos
    A quiet morning
    A quiet morning
    Christos Banos
  • Certeau Dominique 10/07/2015 17:27

    Merci pour tout.
    A bientôt.
    Bonnes vacances.
  • Philipp2410 06/07/2015 17:52

    danke für den netten Kommentar im Voting!
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