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Javi, el cazador cazado

Javi, el cazador cazado

1.109 6

Comentarios 6

  • Diego González Sanz 08/12/2006 15:27

    Yep Marlen, Mick Jagger in his twenties ;)

    i find it funny u think he looks like Mick. (actually i think maybe there is a slightly resemblance)

  • Diego González Sanz 06/12/2006 9:59

    Thanx Aaron! I also choose the smalle one, its much more effective.
    I see you enjoy portraits a lot.

  • Fjodor Giordano 05/12/2006 22:54

    i like it! nice combination!
  • La Imagen 05/12/2006 21:59

    Cazador con dos armas .. ;)
    un fuerte saludo ...
  • Diego González Sanz 05/12/2006 16:41

    hehe ok yes that camera is a nikon f1, mine is next model f2. I took this picture last weekend in the contry in Soria, where i also took my previous pic, and uhh thats a gun, but fake gun, not harmful.


  • Viki Hae 05/12/2006 16:38

    reload.. -.-
    i do NOT type my comment again :P