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Dennis Veldman

Free Account, Rotterdam

The Battle

On the 16th of August 2008, at 5 pm, GO Gallery will present the exhibition Aerosol Symphonies Part-II.
In the exhibition Aerosol Symphonies (Aerosol = spray can), the world of classical music and street art come together to create a totally new art form.
30 artists from the world of street art have let themselves be inspired by a piece of classical music. This music, its origin and the story is then thoroughly studied. The artists then compose an artwork of their own, through the inspiration from the piece of classical music. The participating artists are:
Laser 3.14 (co-curator), Two Things, Maoma, Modderfokker, The London Police, SIT, Juice, Peter Pontiac, Def P, Hugo Kaagman, Blade, Quik, Weazel, Wayne Horse, L’estoir, Pleasant, The Hope Box, Faith 47, Michan, Roos de Waal, Dopie, Riccardo Cavalleri, Casroc, Barnocky, e.a.

Finnish singer and violinist Mirella Pirskanen, will give a special performance at the opening. She gained international acclaim for her performances with Cirque du Soleil, Holiday on Ice & Flairck.


*note : this was used as the national flyer - a combination of photography and painting

Comentarios 68

  • Dennis Veldman 12/11/2008 12:49

    i just recieved a fotomail from robert la rouge : just saying :

    by: Robert L Roux
    Date: 7:32h

    n / c ...

    i guess n / c means no comment.

    how childish
  • Dennis Veldman 11/11/2008 14:18

    you're right Laki. Thanks for proposing!

  • Laki K. 11/11/2008 14:16


    dont be dissapointed, the photo is still as good as before the voting, after all it was close.
    I didnt wanted to jump into the discussion about the photo size, but if some of those who complained about that would open their eyes and have a look into the gallery, they would find tons of photos in less quality (artifacts etc.), so this aint a point for me at all.

    But one more time this one shows, how important it is to have a big buddy club.

  • Dennis Veldman 11/11/2008 12:38

    well i wasnt hoping for anything. but it is a shame really
  • Canan Oner 11/11/2008 12:04 Comentario de la votación

  • decay 11/11/2008 12:04 Comentario de la votación

  • Fons van Swaal 11/11/2008 12:04 Comentario de la votación

  • Dennis Veldman 11/11/2008 12:04 Comentario de la votación

    robert, i have it as big and detailed as you want...
    we have it life sized here 1.20 cm x 50 cm. after the voting i can try to upload it bigger, BUT i know you still hate me for something i have said a long long long time ago and i have the feeling that you are STILL bitter. i don't really care for your vote.

    So i hope you are happy with yourself.

    here you can see how it was placed IN THE WINDOW of the Go Gallery (www.gogallery.nl) (and that IS the place of honor) @ our exhibition last august.

  • Robert L. Roux 11/11/2008 12:04 Comentario de la votación

    unique, yes, and a great idea -
    all detail is lost
    in a picture
    so small.

    dennis has shown
    fc images
    much better :
    i m h o ... ;-))

    C O N T R A
    (-' . . . only the second in all my years of fc voting . . . '-)

    fifty-nine pro comments
    t w o
    contras -
    fotocommunity voting's a most curious joke.

    i don't hate you, dearest dennis -
    as you know
    you can comment on my sites . . .

    but i'm ignored by you.
    your friend
  • Ruud van der Lubben 11/11/2008 12:04 Comentario de la votación

    Yep PRO !! 8-))
  • Anne-Marie Frei 11/11/2008 12:04 Comentario de la votación

  • Dennis Veldman 11/11/2008 12:04 Comentario de la votación

    takes foreeeeeverrrrrr.........!!!!
  • Daren Borzynski 11/11/2008 12:04 Comentario de la votación

  • Ciorstain 11/11/2008 12:04 Comentario de la votación

  • Volker Lenk 11/11/2008 12:04 Comentario de la votación




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