
Free Account, Ottawa

Sobre mi

Acaccia Irene is a native Ottawa,ON. She is known nationally and internationally as an art instructor, fine artist, illustrator and author. She has been teaching students of all ages, to draw and paint in the time-honored realistic manner, at the Art Students League of Ottawa since 1990. She has also taught at the Wood stock School of Art and the Ontario Artists School in Ottawa. As an instructor of the Ottawa School of Art. Acaccia Irene who studied with and worked under Reilly for many years is the foremost authority on the Reilly system of drawing and painting.

Comentarios 3

  • fozzy6 02/02/2020 19:13

    verry interesting photo
    good luck from Vienna
  • David Arduini 16/12/2017 15:21

    HI Acaccia, I like the Lightning photo. Don't be afraid to take photos that look strange and abstract, make it look like you want, like a painting.
  • Dragomir Vukovic 01/09/2014 10:14

    WELCOME >>> great FC journey to you.
    Enjoy your photo passion, enjoy your new friends.
    Special Channel Manager
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  • 4 0
Recibidos / Dado


  • Fotógrafo (Principiante)
  • Fotógrafo (Avanzado)
  • Fotógrafo (Profesional)
  • Editor de imágenes/Diseñador
  • Le interesa la fotografía
  • Modelo (Principiante)
  • Modelo (Experimentado)
  • Modelo (Profesional)
  • Maquillador/Estilista