Sobre mi
„It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince
Welcome, nice that you are taking some time to visit my profile...
- Start 1976 as my prior passion, membership in a photo club, own dark room
- Attendance at weekend workshops of professional photographers and teachers.
- audio visual projects with up to 4 projektors
- From 1993 until 2008 long photo break due to family and work obligations (even wanted to stop photography and sell my gear)
- 2003 first small step into digital (only family) photography
- mid of 2008, after buying a DSLR, a new startup in this wonderful hobby.
- from them on I took part at several exhibitions and projects
Since 2011 "fc" membership and since 2012 member of the
"Fotografische Gesellschaft 1925 Düren e.V."
- Start 1976 as my prior passion, membership in a photo club, own dark room
- Attendance at weekend workshops of professional photographers and teachers.
- audio visual projects with up to 4 projektors
- From 1993 until 2008 long photo break due to family and work obligations (even wanted to stop photography and sell my gear)
- 2003 first small step into digital (only family) photography
- mid of 2008, after buying a DSLR, a new startup in this wonderful hobby.
- from them on I took part at several exhibitions and projects
Since 2011 "fc" membership and since 2012 member of the
"Fotografische Gesellschaft 1925 Düren e.V."
Fernando Anzani 05/11/2023 17:58
Many thanks for the visit and the attention given to my works. Ciao. Fernando.Differenze
Fernando AnzaniTerre castigliane
Fernando AnzaniIn attesa dell'imbarco
Fernando AnzaniFernando Anzani 04/11/2023 17:33
Thank you very much. Ciao. Fernando.Dall' alto.
Fernando AnzaniRadu Ruican 30/10/2021 8:41
Thank you for your visitann mari cris aschieri 14/04/2021 21:23
Many thanks for your attention very appreciated.Greetings from Italy, CIAo!
Gary Thaxton 13/04/2021 21:07
Thank you for the thought.Paolo Barbaresi60 20/12/2020 14:32
GRAZIE.lockdown portrait
Paolo Barbaresi60Norbert Borowy 15/05/2020 6:58
lieber Berthold,vielen Dank für Dein Interesse an meinen Fotos. Deine Kritik ist profund und sehr willkommen.
viele Grüße
Valery 11/05/2020 7:00
Excellent work in different genres of photographyRegina Ray 12/02/2020 14:55
Dear Berthold, thank you for the lovely comment on my profile. I am appreciating your photos because you are a really good photographer and I always enjoy looking at them (although I haven't been on the website recently). You are an excellent photographer and your images are full of stories and spirit. Thank you for sharing them! ReginaDinu Filipescu 29/09/2019 19:30
Thank you for your appreciations and encouraging comments . I am really very grateful.Gerhard H. Unterberger 04/09/2019 19:59
Vielen Dank, Berthold. Ein Lob, von jemand der soweit gereist ist und selber so wunderbare Fotos im Portfolio hat, ist etwas, was ich sehr zu schätzen weiß und ich bedanke mich nochmals bei Dir.Ich wünsche Dir allzeit gutes Licht!
Schöne Grüße aus Tirol
Jürgen van Es 30/04/2019 9:04
Danke für den Hinweis auf Michael Kenna.....LG:
Jürgen van Es
Andreas Holzinger 23/12/2018 22:39
Hallo Berthold!Für deine zahlreichen Lobe und Kommentare möchte ich mich recht herzlich bedanken. Ich möchte die Gelegenheit wahrnehmen dir und deiner Familie ein besinnliches Weihnachtsfest und einen guten Übergang ins neue Jahr zu wünschen.
LG Andreas
Tropfenfotografie Bild 23
Andreas HolzingerSelmar Perleth 16/08/2018 20:17
Deine Chinareise war bestimmt toll. Die Bilder davon gefallen mir gut. Es ist immer wieder interessant neue Welten zu entdecken oder Bilder davon zu sehen. Als Besucher achtet man auch auf andere Dinge als die Einheimischen und macht Bilder aus dem eigenen Blickwinkel.Prisma-photo 13/06/2018 20:40
Many thanks for your visit to and comments to my photos !You have a very interesting gallery, with a strong human content, but also an aesthetic approach. I like it !
Best regards,