Mis fotos destacadas
Sobre mi
I am passionate, if not fanatic, about the Namib Desert in Namibia. It stretches along the coast of Namibia and is frequented daily by fog coming in from the Atlantic ocean in the afternoons and rolling out again in the mornings mostly accompanied by strong winds. This results in the most extraordinary light effects and an almost supernatural glow and always changing horizontal highlights. A mountain can be almost black at one moment and then glowing white the next moment. This also goes for the sand dunes, we have almost scarlet dunes in the south, beige ones in the middle and almost white ones in the north and always the play of fog and light. To those in a hurry the Namib desert will appear grey and desolate but for the sensitive and patient viewer it will unfold itself into the most uplifting scenery ranging from sublime subtleties to dramatic colour highlights. A most rewarding subject for those that are prepared to wait !
I have just changed from my very beloved Nikon F100 to digital Nikon D 700. At this stage I do not work on my photographs with Photoshop or similar programmes and submit the photographs as they were taken.
All my work has an "ALL RIGHTS RESERVED"copyright.
I have just changed from my very beloved Nikon F100 to digital Nikon D 700. At this stage I do not work on my photographs with Photoshop or similar programmes and submit the photographs as they were taken.
All my work has an "ALL RIGHTS RESERVED"copyright.
Stropp 07/01/2022 23:04
Ich sehe es erst jetzt, dear Cathy ... es ist sehr traurig, daßDu nicht mehr hier bist. Mein Mitgefühl für Deine Familie und Freunde. Vielleicht hast Du nun perfekte Bilderwelten gefunden. Danke für die Zrit, die Du mit uns geteilt hast.Ana
Emilio Sirletti 12/10/2021 9:03
R.I.P.Annette He 26/07/2021 23:13
Liebe Cathy, es macht mich so traurig, dass Du nicht mehr da bist. Danke für Deine wunderbaren Bilder, mit denen Du Deine Liebe zur Wüste so wunderbar ausdrücken konntest. Wo auch immer Du bist, ich wünsche Dir alles Gute.Annette
Jörg Klüber 23/07/2021 23:38
RIP Cathy!Hotzenwäldler 21/07/2021 22:06
Liebe Cathy,nun bist du, wenige Tage vor deinem 80 Geburtstag, zu der großen und letzten Reise angetreten. Heute habe ich die für mich traurige Nachricht erhalten.
Meine Gedanken sind bei dir, erlebe noch einmal unsere Gespräche über Farbe und Licht, farbliche Balance und vieles mehr. An Hand von Kirchenfenstern in den Freiburger und Straßburger Münstern hast du mir vieles von deinem Wissen mitgegeben.
Licht und Farbe, das war dein Credo.
Jetzt verweilt deine Seele in von dir geliebten Namib Wüste und findet das alles, was dir in deinen letzten Lebensjahren nicht mehr möglich war.
In jedem deiner Namib Bilder war die Verbundenheit zu deinen "Kraftorten" zu spüren.
Ich wünsche dir deine ewige Ruhe.
Ruhe in Frieden
Lotharius Molitor 09/07/2019 23:48
Hallo Cathy, danke für Deine fantastischen Bilder!Habe Dir kürzlich eine PN geschickt: wir werden im September in Namibia sein!
Sollen wir uns mal treffen?!
Würde uns sehr freuen!!!
Liebe Grüße, Lothar
silvermist 18/07/2018 2:39
Thank you for your coming!Emilio Sirletti 27/06/2018 10:50
Thank you so much for your comment.
Hugs, Emilio
† cathy Blatt 17/06/2018 10:34
Thank you do much , Prisma. Am off to the desert now, for a week.Prisma-photo 17/06/2018 10:22
Your gallery is a wonderful source of inspiration and of temptations to go visit the Namibia desert ! A destination that has been since a long time on my list.Congratulations for your superb photographies !
Best regards,
charter3 19/11/2017 21:56
Hallo Cathy, vielen Dank für Deine Kommentare. Du hast sehr starke Bilder! Viele Grüße ReinerBoskiM 31/08/2017 16:57
Hi Cathy:)Beautiful gallery !!! If I had such plenery I would go crazy with joy :)
I envy you places to live but Poland is also beautiful ..
Write when you come to Wroclaw :)
You are writing in Polish?
Izak van Niekerk 07/08/2017 10:09
Wow Cathy!!!! Now I can see why you are passionate about Namibia with ALL its nature. I just love your 4 top photos.† cathy Blatt 25/07/2017 10:12
Alexander thank you so much for your reply. My main concern at the moment is that my computer might not be able to handle the transfer i.e. 12 to 36 mp and I certainly cant get a new computer as well. I have a Mac Os 10. You know, here in South Africa and Namibia prices for photographic equipment are very high. At the Special Offer it is still 9 000 SARand more than if I got it from Amazon but Amazon do not ship certain items to Namibia. Wish you a good holiday and many thanks for your advice. Now I need to check about the computer story. Love,cathyalexander stefanatos 25/07/2017 9:47
Hi Cathy,Thanks very much for your attention and comments on my work. I thought you would have bought the NIKON D810 by now. It is a great camera indeed by all means and,as far as I can follow, it remains as that in all recent comparison tests. To me, I,m using it since the time it came out, it offers a lot more than I need for a top level photography. My doughter- a prof.photographer living and working for many years in London- can be a better judge for that using it regularly and being enthusiastic as it covers all her routine prof. standards. One of the main advantages for me is the great field it can offer for creative photography, nearly an 6x4,5...Mind you the great D700 hasn't also let me down ever!Don't get much impressed by the succesive new models that the production line of every company is compelled to lay out in order to maintain a good place in the consuming market. Most of them advertise minor and insignificant improvements. I'm sure it will be a good buy especially if you get it in a good price. Ask me anything more you like. At the moment I'm off for sme holidays!....
love alexander