Sobre mi
I operate under my business name of ShutterFree, L.L.C.
Photography has always interested me since the time I was a child. My first camera was a medium format 120 mm Kodak Brownie my dad let me have so I can learn the basics. Since then, it has become a passion.
I started sharing my photographs in Photocommunity, and that was the beginning of a fantastic trip for me. Now I do it professionally and it has been a huge blessing for me and my family. There is nothing like doing what you love the most, and experience financial rewards from your labor of love.
Check out my web site:
Nikon D4 with
Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8G ED AF-S
Nikon Zoom-Nikkor 200-400 mm f/4G SWM AF-S VR IF ED G Lens
Nikon AF-S Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
Nikon 105mm f/2.8G ED-IF AF-S VR Micro
Wireless Sync Flash lighting with soft boxes, light modifiers and umbrellas. — Nikon SB-800 AF Speedlight — Tripods — Photoshop CS6
I speak English.
Hablo español.
Io parlo il Italiano.
Photography has always interested me since the time I was a child. My first camera was a medium format 120 mm Kodak Brownie my dad let me have so I can learn the basics. Since then, it has become a passion.
I started sharing my photographs in Photocommunity, and that was the beginning of a fantastic trip for me. Now I do it professionally and it has been a huge blessing for me and my family. There is nothing like doing what you love the most, and experience financial rewards from your labor of love.
Check out my web site:
Nikon D4 with
Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8G ED AF-S
Nikon Zoom-Nikkor 200-400 mm f/4G SWM AF-S VR IF ED G Lens
Nikon AF-S Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
Nikon 105mm f/2.8G ED-IF AF-S VR Micro
Wireless Sync Flash lighting with soft boxes, light modifiers and umbrellas. — Nikon SB-800 AF Speedlight — Tripods — Photoshop CS6
I speak English.
Hablo español.
Io parlo il Italiano.
JustMiri 30/11/2010 18:26
Hey,Thanks for your comment
Your photos are great, amazing
And your great at many different types of photography,
never gets boring to have a look at them, could do it for hours
Greets, Miri
Teja Heidenreich 30/11/2010 13:56
very nice photos and a great variability combines with an excellent technical practice. Lovely to regard your photos. Thanks for your comment.JvdD 04/11/2010 5:05
cheers!Tad Kanazaki 03/11/2010 2:00
Tad KanazakiThank you for your visit and comment.
BW Tad.
Kemal Kamil AKCA 02/11/2010 17:35
White Rose
Kemal Kamil AKCAantadis 02/11/2010 16:30
hi gino)thanks a lot for commenting my picture
have a nice day and best regards,
Emir Hadzidervisagic Roki 06/08/2010 9:43
Ciao Gino, grazie mille per i tuo bellissimo commento molto lusinghieri e del tua bell'apprezzamento, tanti carissimi saluti...EmirEmir Hadzidervisagic Roki 05/08/2010 7:48
Ciao Gino, tante grazie del tuo bellissimo commento e del tua bel'apprezzamento, affettusissimi saluti...EmirDanny W. Wilson 14/05/2010 4:54
Thank you for your kind comments concerning my work.Hell Raiser
Danny W. WilsonKemal Kamil AKCA 13/05/2010 23:34
Kemal Kamil AKCANatalja Dralova 30/04/2010 8:54
Thank you very much!Best wishes, Natalja
Dragonfly and a flower
Natalja DralovaFaddoush 29/04/2010 1:04
Thank you for the visit and comments.Owen McLeod 28/04/2010 21:07
Thanks Gino. This picture was taken with the D300s with Nikon 24-70 mm f/2.8 lense.
PS Gino... My Photography career is taking off too with from sharing on Fotocommunity first. Now I do some paid work on the side. One day, I hope to be doing photography full-time.
Maria João Arcanjo 20/12/2009 14:16
Merry Christmas. And all the best for 2010Beijinhos
Ken Alvin Jenssen 17/12/2009 7:06
Merry Christmas and a happy new year.Hope the fairytail grant all your vishes!
Ken Alvin JenssenBest Regards
Ken Alvin Jenssen