Radu Herjeu

Free Account, Bucharest

Sobre mi

Frumusetea e in ochii privitorului.
The beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

Comentarios 21

  • marian enache 18/04/2009 17:05

    Iti doresc sarbatori cu pace si lumina!
  • RandyO. 19/10/2007 19:56

    I like the composition. The red alarm clock is very powerful. It draws my eyes to it. Nice work
  • Igor Flasz 03/07/2007 23:51

    Thank you very much for your comments you also have a spectacular pictures..... regards
  • Robyn Raggio 05/03/2007 3:26

    Hi Radu,
    Thank you for taking the time to look and comment on my image. You have some lovely, unique images in your profile pics. I especially like the winter scenes, for we don't get much of the frozen white stuff here on the California coast. Beautiful work.
    Warmest wishes,
  • Alison Wiseman 01/03/2007 17:53

    thank you for your comment,
  • Susie Q 28/02/2007 22:07

    Thank you for taking the time to view and provide feedback on my recent post, Radu - it's much appreciated ...
    Island (i)
    Island (i)
    Susie Q

    Susie :o)
  • Michael Henderson 28/02/2007 19:24

    Thanks for taking the time to comment on my foto's.
    Mist of Pulhapanzak
    Mist of Pulhapanzak
    Michael Henderson

  • Luca Toni 21/01/2007 14:28

    thanks for your comment, looked through your picture and find them quite interesting, though I would like to see more people from rumania...
  • Ionut Sepi 31/12/2006 12:04

    La multi ani ! Un an nou fericit !
  • Robert L. Roux 13/11/2006 13:12

    hi radu
    the search for beauty
    requires only the opening of one's eyes ...
    canadian greetings, with thanks - robertpost scriptthe most difficult eyes of all to open
    sometimes -
    are one's own ... ;-))
  • Krzysztof Miller 30/09/2006 20:45

    Thanks!!! Saluto:)
  • Radu Herjeu 30/09/2006 17:56

    Multumesc Ionut. Din pacate fotografiile sunt destul de vechi... Dar sper sa ma reapuc de fotografie, pentru ca in poezie, cel putin acum, nu prea mai simt ca as avea ceva de spus. Toate cele bune.
  • Ionut Sepi 30/09/2006 17:40

    Salut, Radu. Ma bucur tare mult ca te reintalnesc. Sunt un mai vechi admirator al tau si ma bucur ca am ocazia sa-ti admir si fotografiile nu numai poeziile. A face fotografie este tot un fel de a scrie poezie dar, in imagini. Felicitari pentru pictorial.
  • Alexandra Baltog 27/09/2006 16:17

    stimate domn...:)), va rog pe aceasta cale sa scrieti ce doriti sa raspundeti celor care va viziteaza pagina si lasa insemne pe acolo...direct...nu tot unde este poza... hi hi hi...caci...doar daca acestia mai revin la pozele dvs...vad ca te-ai bucurat... ;). mai este un avantaj...tii legatura cu unii care poate merita... (persoanele de fata se exclud). OK?
  • Alexandra Baltog 26/09/2006 12:17

    nu stiu de ce nu a aparut poza...asta era...
    exista si un remake mai luminos si mai blue...dar am preferat-o pe asta...
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