Dear Rita,
Thank you so much for your comment on my pic Long way to go.
I was such and awesome moment of my life as I was shooting this pic from on my way to the mountains. The real thing was fantastic and I love my mountains for anything in the world.
I tried my best though as I am not a pro like your guys but I have a Nikon F80 Flim SLR and still learning to see through it for sometime now. I guess like life every day is a leason we learn something of, same with my cam I learn something with every shot I click.
Thank you once again and hope to see more of your work as I enjoy everything thats beautiful to my spirit that causes contentment to the soul.
God Bless you. Regards.
Hi Rita. Thanks for you comments re: elderly gentlmen. You're praise is noted and certainly encouraging especially coming from an inspiring photographer such as your good self. Happy Snapping! Frank C.
Hi Corina, to answer your question, no I have not been to Norway, but some of my friends did. and yes Dutch people are very fond of Norway:) I can understand why when I see the photos.
LG Rita
Hallo Rita, ons heet u welkom, hier op FC.
Ons will nog van u prente sien.
Ek woon in Australia, die laaste dertag jaare.
Baie dankie!!!
n Blommetjie vir u!!!
hartelijk welkom in de FC. Ze zeggen altijd: een goed begin is het halve werk. Te zien aan je eerste foto's geldt dat ook voor jouw fotografische bezigheden. In afwachting van verdere plaatjes, wens je ik je "goed licht" en veel leerrijke uren in de FC!
Groetjes, Annette
Hallo Rita,
auch von mir ein "Herzliches Willkommen" in der FC-Gemeinde.
Wünsche dir hier viel Freude und allzeit gutes Licht.
Vielleicht schaust du auch mal bei mir vorbei.
Gruss Reiner
Rohan Akunoori 13/08/2005 9:22
Dear Rita,Thank you so much for your comment on my pic Long way to go.
I was such and awesome moment of my life as I was shooting this pic from on my way to the mountains. The real thing was fantastic and I love my mountains for anything in the world.
I tried my best though as I am not a pro like your guys but I have a Nikon F80 Flim SLR and still learning to see through it for sometime now. I guess like life every day is a leason we learn something of, same with my cam I learn something with every shot I click.
Thank you once again and hope to see more of your work as I enjoy everything thats beautiful to my spirit that causes contentment to the soul.
God Bless you. Regards.
Frank Cecconi 12/08/2005 3:00
Hi Rita. Thanks for you comments re: elderly gentlmen. You're praise is noted and certainly encouraging especially coming from an inspiring photographer such as your good self. Happy Snapping! Frank C.Daniel A. Lara 11/08/2005 17:00
Thanks.You are right. They are so independent!
THis is his favorite place to take a nap...
Rita VanDeemter 09/08/2005 15:16
Hi Corina, to answer your question, no I have not been to Norway, but some of my friends did. and yes Dutch people are very fond of Norway:) I can understand why when I see the photos.LG Rita
CC Haube 09/08/2005 15:02
Hi Rita,thank you very much for your comment under
... in Norway I´ve seen much
people from the Netherlands. Have you ever been
LG Corina
Rita VanDeemter 08/08/2005 22:35
@ Bart, bijna alle van Deemter's zijn familie, maar Eindhoven??? Niet dat ik weet. Heb je voornamen?Bedankt voor je welkom :)
Bart van Oijen 08/08/2005 22:15
Dag Rita,Welkom op deze site!
Van Deemter... bekende naam. Heb je familie in Eindhoven misschien?
Veel succes bij de FC; ik hoop veel van je te zien in de toekomst!
Dirk Morawski 08/08/2005 20:53
Hi Rita, thanks for your statement.Greets Dirk
John Moore 08/08/2005 14:52
Hallo Rita, ons heet u welkom, hier op FC.Ons will nog van u prente sien.
Ek woon in Australia, die laaste dertag jaare.
Baie dankie!!!
n Blommetjie vir u!!!
Renate Lehmann 07/08/2005 11:00
Hallo Rita,Du hast die Giraffe sehr gut getroffen,man merkt nicht das Sie im Zoo zuhause ist.
Grüsse Renate
Annette Snuf 01/08/2005 12:32
Hallo Rita,hartelijk welkom in de FC. Ze zeggen altijd: een goed begin is het halve werk. Te zien aan je eerste foto's geldt dat ook voor jouw fotografische bezigheden. In afwachting van verdere plaatjes, wens je ik je "goed licht" en veel leerrijke uren in de FC!
Groetjes, Annette
Reiner Sch. 29/07/2005 7:54
Hallo Rita,auch von mir ein "Herzliches Willkommen" in der FC-Gemeinde.
Wünsche dir hier viel Freude und allzeit gutes Licht.
Vielleicht schaust du auch mal bei mir vorbei.
Gruss Reiner
Ad Verhoeven 28/07/2005 21:11
Ha Rita,welkom in de FC en heel veel plezier gewenst hier.Ik ben sinds 3 maanden lid en het bevalt me uitstekend.Groet uit Papendrecht Ad V
Karin D. Ludwig 28/07/2005 9:33
Hi Rita,a heartfelt welcome from me too! I hope to find plenty of your outstanding work and compositions here on this site also.
Keep the shutter clicking! :-)
Love, Karin
Der Zacki 27/07/2005 14:35
Welcome from Germany Rita,I hope you will enjoy the fc.:-)