Kenton Knowles

Free Account, Lund Sweden

Sobre mi

Hi everybody-
I am an Architectural Designer/Builder in the global community and have spent most of my time between Kansas,where i was raised, and Sweden, where I moved after architecture school.
I own and operate a green building and design company, and take as many photos as possible on the way through life to mark the process with a few interesting bread crumbs to find my way back.
I started taking art photos in collage,and had a couple of shows, but gave it up for lack of time and money, but when digital came of age, it seemed to be more and more accessible, and now everyone takes photos all the time.
I wonder what it would be like to take all the photos in the world, and make one long movie of them? Would we suddenly become totally aware of everyone, and everything, and understand that we are as one? Is the fotocommunity the first step to total awareness?
If so,Thanks, I appreciate the opportunity, and I am looking forward to seeing and sharing with you all!
Peace and love,

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