Patricio Herrera

Free Account, Las Condes, Santiago

Sobre mi

I am retired doctor, earlier Full Professor of Pediatrics and very active in other professional stuff. I have loved nature ever since I was a child, as part of my family tradition. So, in a country where everything collapses at the rythm of "progress", I enjoy shooting photos to keep memories of the land I loved and to show it to my grandchildren. Now I found this place that allows me to share with many other the fruits of my hobby, which started withan "ANSCO" camera many decades ago, then a "CONTAFLEX" (What a marvelous camera!. It was taken to my wife), afterwards a whole "CANON" equipment for macrophoto, followed by a lighter "EPSON PHOTO PC 600", A "LUMIX pANASONIC" -a wonderful tiny camera and now a powerful "KIKON", my current companion, a sort of dream come true (let´s see what I can do with it!).
Flowers and their scenarios are my choice, but do not let go a nice mountain or sea shore landscape.
Never had a photogrphy course but fond of painting as I am, try to shoot balanced pictures (not always with good results!).
I am happy to being able to share with all of you and receive feed back..
Be seeing you.

Comentarios 1

  • Adele D. Oliver 07/06/2011 3:59

    and welcome to our big family !!!! I am glad you found your way to Fotocommunity and I am sure you will enjoy showing us your images and looking at photos of other photographers. I wish you much fun and many new friends!!!
    greetings, Adele

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