david nitsche

Free Account, Ruesselsheim

Sobre mi


my name is David...

I stumbled through this site several years ago in order to get some impressions of how people see things through a lense...Thereby I learned some new techniques and got many ideas in order toi mprove my own photography skills.

I would describe myself as a hobby photographer who does not have a specific field of photography. I like to take pictures from everything, especially the nature around me, which I am experiencing during my backpacking trips.

Normally I do not prefer post- editting photos on photoshop but within the last couple of months I recognized the advantages of that program and how to improve pictures without changing the basic meaning of my pictures. In my opinion the photography skills still should be more important than the own pc skills...

I wish you all a good time by watching my pictures and hopefully, some of you will get any good ideas, as I do with your pictures, too.

Comentarios 1

  • Pino Buso 25/10/2011 21:28

    Hi David,

    danke für deine Anmerkung! Freut mich, dass dir das Bild so gut gefällt!
    Kann mich deiner Meinung anschliessen: ganz ohne Bildbearbeitung am PC geht es nicht. Das hat nichts mit "echter Manipulation" zu tun, die dann eine ganz verkehrte Wahrheit darstellen. Es geht vielmehr darum, das Beste aus einem gemachten Bild "herauszukitzeln". Letzen Endes entsteht die Grundaussage bereits beim Abdrücken des Auslösers, so sollte es zumindest sein. :-)


    Am Lake Louise I
    Am Lake Louise I
    Pino Buso
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