Nirmal Sasidharan

Free Account, Stuttgart

Sobre mi

I didn't take pictures till I was 25. Until I saw the pictures of Bernhard Weichel . I was highly inspired by his pictures and started taking pictures with a Canon Powershot G5. In less than a year I ended up upgrading to Canon EOS 10D.

My wife gives me all support and she is never bored walking with me while I am shooting. Most of my image titles are her suggestions.

My Assets:

1. My wife, Manju
Nirmal Sasidharan

2. Canon EOS 10D
3. Canon 28-135mm IS USM
4. Canon 17-40L
5. Dörr PS 13 Tripod, Dörr FP40 Head
6. Tamarac Superlight 5

Comentarios 7

  • Sachin Pangaonkar 11/09/2005 0:54

    Hi Nirmal , It was nice to trace your profile , interesting pictures . Keep it up ..
  • Sinan Arslan 05/06/2005 10:38

    Hi Nirmal,
    thanks you pleases for your note to my picture.
    You have very good picture.


    Sinan Arslan
  • Thorsten NetsrohT 23/05/2004 10:26

    Hi Nirmal,
    congratulations to your first galery picture. You have got very nice pictures in your folder. I´m interested in seeing more pictures of you.
  • Susanne I. 23/05/2004 10:24

    Hi Nirmal...thank you very much for your comment to my picture" silence" and you are right with the frame, a white one would be better for the foto...
    i wish you nice pictures and now i´ll have a lock to your fotos...
    greets Susanne
  • Helmut Gutjahr 22/05/2004 22:10

    Hi Nirmal,
    thanks for your comment.
    My English is not so very good, but I understand you. All my pictures in the galery. I`m smiling. I like your pictures too!!
    I wish you a happy weekend!
    Begegnung mit 50 Hertz
    Begegnung mit 50 Hertz
    Helmut Gutjahr

    Congratualtions to your galery picture!!

    lg Helmut

  • Bernhard Weichel 22/04/2004 0:11

    Hi Nirmal,

    Habe gerade gesehen, dass ich dir noch nicht ins Profil geschrieben habe. Es ist schön, dass du da bist, und auch dass du in FC bist.

    Ich freue mich auf manche gemeinsame Tour.

    -lg b
  • Helga Schneider 15/02/2004 16:22

    Hallo lieber TS Nirmal. Voller Schreck hab ich grad festgestellt, dass ich Dir noch nicht mal ins Profil geschrieben habe. Hiermit hole ich das alles nach: Erstmal ein herzliches Willkommen in der fc (spät aber doch) und dann will ich Dir noch sagen, dass ich Deine Fotos sehr mag. Sie sind unheimlich stark in ihrer Aussagekraft - ganz toll!!!
    lg Helga
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