1.066 5

Frank Boots

Free Account, Voorst gem. Voorst


Hasselblad 500 cm mit Sonar 150 mm + converter 2x = 300 mm
2 x 800 wsec Blitz
Ilford Delta 100 in X-tol
1/60 sec F 16

Comentarios 5

  • Reinhard Bergxx 19/02/2003 15:09

    sehr schön
  • Burkhard C. Schipper 19/02/2003 11:18

    Somehow the character of this woman must be different from the one you posted in your first photos here. I don't understand how people can critize here a "long neck". Is there anything like a standard size for a neck? The light skin is a good contrast to the dark background. Nice is that at the left side the background is darker than at the right side, whereas the foreground is lighter at the left side than at the right side. This produces a "tacit" symmetry although the model is not positioned exactly in the middle of the format.
  • GS-Foto 18/02/2003 22:47

    ev. doch ein bissel viel Untersicht deswegen der extrem lange Hals, fehlen ja nur noch die div. Ringe wie bei einigen Naturvölkern.

    Aber im ernst sonst ist es ganz interessant.

  • Joanna Joy 18/02/2003 22:12

  • Olaf Pawel 18/02/2003 22:07

    Ungewöhnliches Portrait. Sieht mal etwas anders aus, interessant!
    Gruß, Olaf