Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

April Rain (3)

at the Art Gallery in downtown Vancouver ...
three days ago driving around the gallery looking for parking, and I took this image from the open window of our car ...
the gallery is decorated for the Takashi Murikama exhibition of paintings ...

Comentarios 38

  • Helga Noll 19/04/2018 16:10

    ... nur mal eben so aus dem Auto heraus fotografiert :-))
    sehr, sehr schöne, wenn auch regnerische Idylle.
    Liebe Grüße, Helga
  • gageou Jean- claude gage 17/04/2018 10:25

    La pluie est très bonne pour remplir les musées!
  • Francesco Fusco 16/04/2018 21:42

    Molto bella!
  • Emilio Sirletti 16/04/2018 7:15

    Takashi Murikama is the most influential representative of Japanese culture, a great innovator.
    Beautiful photos, while the daughter takes you around with the car.
    Hugs, Emilio
  • Steve Ember 16/04/2018 0:26

    Evocative rainy day capture, Adele. I like how the umbrella of the passerby color-coordinates with the center poster. And your timing was perfect, especially considering you were in a moving conveyance of your own! Another nice touch is the bright red umbrella, giving a nice pop of color to the scene.
    Wishing you a sunny week ahead,
  • Conny11 15/04/2018 21:47

    Aber nach dem Regen kommt der nächste Sonnenschein bestimmt..
    bei uns wird jetzt richtig Frühling... der kommt jetzt auch zu euch.
    LG, hab einen guten Wochenstart Conny
  • Marc Erpelding 15/04/2018 21:22

    Good with the two umbrellas... would also try in b&w.
  • Elvina Benoist-Audiau 15/04/2018 19:48

    So moving the person in a wheeling chair under the umbrella just in front of the colorful exhibition of art - Hugs, Elvi
  • archiek 15/04/2018 18:33

    Fine shot from your car. The balance is perfect with equal frame space on the sides of the art gallery. The person in the foreground adds depth. Well done.
    Regards, Archie
  • photos c-k 15/04/2018 17:59

    The person is well equipped and has decided to enjoy her excursion despite the rain which is great !
    And your pictures always show us plenty of very nice and authentic scenes of life, which I admire and adore !
    Bravo, Adele ! Warm regards.
  • Ilse-Luise J. 15/04/2018 14:48

    Und bei uns im Südwesten Deutschlands ist es sonnig und sehr warm und so hat man beinahe Mitleid mit dem Rollstuhlfahrer, der dem Regen ausgesetzt ist.
    Einen schönen Sonntag wünscht Dir
  • Christian Villain 15/04/2018 12:49

    Ta série de photo sous la pluie est très réussie , tu as parfaitement maîtrisé l'ambiance et elle sont très " vivantes " .
    Grand BRAVO !!!
    Amitiés et bon Dimanche .
  • JURAFR 15/04/2018 12:29

    Meme sous la pluie on fait de jolies photos , un bon dimanche à toi
  • Frederick Mann 15/04/2018 12:20

    oh my... his paintings are VERY LARGE
  • hans-jakob 15/04/2018 11:55

    Man kann auch in solchem Wetter tolle Bilder machen wie man hier sieht!!!
    LG hans-jakob