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Clematis vitalba (also known as Old man's beard and Traveller's Joy)

Clematis vitalba (also known as Old man's beard and Traveller's Joy)

943 6

Clematis vitalba (also known as Old man's beard and Traveller's Joy)

According to Wikipedia, a climbing shrub with branched stems, deciduous leaves, and scented greeny-white flowers with fluffy underlying sepals. The fruits have an overlying silky appendage lengthwise on the plant.
The seeds are disseminated by the wind. Unfortunately, it has a bad name and in In New Zealand it is declared an "unwanted organism" and cannot be sold, propagated or distributed. It is a threat to native plants since it grows vigorously and forms a canopy which smothers all other plants. It reminds me of the frivolous hats as worn in the fifties.

Comentarios 6

  • Lady Durchblick 12/01/2009 21:50

    wunderschön... Deine Clematis.... feine Aufnahme
    vg Ingrid
  • Alfred Spectrum 10/12/2008 2:30

    They look very pretty, I have never seen these before.
  • Manfred 07/12/2008 21:43

    Ein Meisterwerk von Dir. Ganz exzellent - gefällt mir super gut.

    VG Manfred
  • photom 03/12/2008 20:47

    wunderschön, es sieht ja fast aus wie Wollgras.
    sehr gutes Bild mit wunderbaren farben und schönem Schärfeverlauf.
    das ist ja eine ganz tolle Sorte der clematis.
    LG, Tom
  • Johannes Ekart 30/11/2008 9:15

    Eine wunderschöne Aufnahme
  • Jens R. Diercks 29/11/2008 23:55

    Wunderbar, jetzt weiß ich wenigstens, wie diese "Blümchen" heißen. Oft genug kann man die im Winterhalbjahr bewundern.