5.683 14

Ansgar Leuthner

Premium (World), Wiesbaden


...am Rosenmontag...

Comentarios 14

  • ann mari cris aschieri 23/02/2023 11:23

    It’s crazy how almost all the cities resemble each other now ... The greatest difference is still in their cathedral...
    Nice B/W street photography.
    CIAo!   cris
    • Ansgar Leuthner 23/02/2023 11:39

      ...that's right, Cris, in every city the same shops, the same fast-food chains...and we don't even have a cathedral - all churches in Wiesbaden are from the 19th or early 20th century....Ciao, grazie per il tuo commento! Baci.
    • ann mari cris aschieri 23/02/2023 11:50

      Apolozige Ansgar, sometimes I forget the complete destruction that Germany suffered in the Second World War almost everywhere ...
      Peace & LOve!
    • Ansgar Leuthner 23/02/2023 12:50

      ...no, Crissy, it's not for that reason...Wiesbaden as a city is rather new..it was only a bath with warm springs and so for the noble and rich people...but known by the romans. It has a long history but never was important, because the nobles had their palaces not here...the importance of this place started at the end of the 18th century, again because of the thermal bath, and so the city began to grow. We have four bigger churches here, but all from the 19th and early 20th century. And...Wiesbaden wasn't so much destroyed than other German cities in the last war, because the US-army wanted to build there their headquarters. And so they did. We had lots of American soldiers, officers here in great housing areas and a huge hospital. Wounded soldiers from the Gulf-War were brought to Wiesbaden...
      Now that's history...most of them are gone. After the war, in 1945, Wiesbaden became the capital of the new district Hessen, founded under the direction of the Americans and the first part of Germany with a new democratic constitution....
      So, that was a little excurs in history...sorry...
      Ciao, mia cara, buona giornata! Ansgar
  • Conny11 22/02/2023 20:48

    Ein tolles Street Foto.... da gibt es viel zu sehen, gefällt mir bestens.
    LG zu dir, Conny
  • Marion Stevens 22/02/2023 17:07

    Und wo sind die Jecken? :-)
    Viele Grüße
  • Frau Dingsda 22/02/2023 14:07

    Ich mag solche Gegenlichtaufnahmen sehr gerne. Alle haben kleine Heiligenscheinchen und die langen Schatten machen es spannend.
    LG Ditta
    • Ansgar Leuthner 22/02/2023 18:08

      ...genau aus den Gründen mache ich auch immer wieder gerne solche Bilder...Liebe Grüße, Ansgar
  • FA_3G_plus_0 22/02/2023 13:37

    As always you have captured the moment, a moment that flees and never returns. I like it!
  • Gerhard M. Eder 22/02/2023 13:32

    An einer deutschen Fußgängerzone erkennt man nicht in welcher Stadt man sich befindet. Sie sind alle gleich, überall die gleichen Modeketten und Fastfoodketten. Eigenständigkeit und Vielfalt wurden systematisch ausgerottet. Eigentlich schade. LG Gerhard
    • Ansgar Leuthner 22/02/2023 16:29

      ...stimmt, Gerhard! Und das Mittel dazu sind die immensen Mieten in der Innenstadt: das können sich nur noch Ketten leisten...jeder kleine Laden, jeder Ansatz von Individualität wird im Keime erstickt....und wenn dann alles so gleich gemacht und verödet ist, stellt man sog. "City-Manager" ein (natürlich für ein ansehnliches Gehalt..), die's dann irgendwie wieder richten sollen....alles Kappes! Liebe Grüße, Ansgar