Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

Here We Go Again

the time on Corfu too short - but well spent ....

Comentarios 31

  • robertito46 01/05/2015 2:29

    Splendid pic !!


  • Bernard.Backpacker 29/04/2015 7:43

    nice composition
    greetings, bernard
  • lolita cecilia 28/04/2015 23:18

    Magnífico encuadre de una fantástica imagen...
    Excelente luz y una GRAN definición...
    Un abrazo Adele
  • LadyNoone 28/04/2015 23:07

    Great composition of the photo, Adele! :)
  • archiek 28/04/2015 14:58

    Nice photo to get the landscape, the ship and the person all in the shot at a good proportion. A place I might like to visit someday.
  • TeresaM 28/04/2015 10:40

    Un cadrage superbe & excellent, Adele !!!!
    Et c'est reparti vers de nouvelles aventures ;-)))
    Une très belle photo de ce départ.
    Bisous & bonne journée,
  • Vitória Castelo Santos 27/04/2015 23:15

    Wonderful shot************
  • Conny11 27/04/2015 22:20

    Wow... eine tolle Perspektive...
    da ist dir ein geniales Foto gelungen.
    LG zu dir Conny
  • Mirjam Burer 27/04/2015 21:13

    huge...! the ship against the mountains in the distance..
    great pov here Adele...and glad you had a wonderful time...
    lg, hugs
  • Francesco Fusco 27/04/2015 20:57

    Ha un bel grafismo la foto.... mi piace molto! Complimenti Adele!
    Un caro saluto, Francesco
  • Carlo.Pollaci 27/04/2015 19:58

    Departures are always a little sad, but still so many beautiful memories.
    A splendid combination of the spirit that animates the traveler.
    All the best,
  • adriana lissandrini 27/04/2015 17:34

    and you depart for new shores! thanks for the excellent reportages on Corfu!
    beautiful image well composed ..
    hugs, Adriana
  • Brilu 27/04/2015 17:01

    Das ist sehr schön da. LG Brigitte
  • Rainer Golembiewski 27/04/2015 16:42

    ein sehr, sehr guter und wohlüberlegter Bildaufbau!
  • SINA 27/04/2015 15:04

    eine wunderbare atmosphärisch schöne Aufnahme
    die alles aussagt
    Abschied fällt schwer ...aber Du wirst dort wieder hinreisen...
    herzliche Grüße von Sina


Carpeta Greece, Cyprus
Vistas 1.351


Cámara Canon PowerShot S3 IS
Objetivo Unknown 6-72mm
Diafragma 4
Tiempo de exposición 1/1600
Distancia focal 18.6 mm
ISO 100