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Looking for the Bad Guys

Looking for the Bad Guys

3.339 3

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

Looking for the Bad Guys

A policeman walks amongst the traffic looking for suspicious people in the daily traffic. They say this keeps the area safe for all. You can imagine how disturbing it is to feel intimidated by the public administrator.

Comentarios 3

  • Claudio Micheli 02/03/2016 13:28

  • Rolf Pessel 01/03/2016 17:26

    just checking if the bicycle is safe for traffic and that the bell is working ;-)
    LG Rolf
  • Sue Thompson 01/03/2016 15:46

    As yet, our Police are not wandering about armed... and I for one am very thankfull for that
    An excellent capture of this guy oing about his duty.
