Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

Monochrome Sony-Man

A different occasion - a videographer absorbed, and I got very close and did hardly any cropping .

A big thank you to all for your wonderful and often funny remarks for my L'eggs. I have no others as I usually only take one image of a subject.

Colourful              Sony-Woman
Colourful Sony-Woman
Adele D. Oliver

Thank you so much for nominating this photo for the gallery ... what a great surprise!!

Comentarios 117

  • † JYM59 07/08/2017 22:41

    étoile méritée....!
  • RonnBeams 20/07/2014 22:55

    Strikingly sharp image full of a video camera and hair. The closed eye is iconic, in that all of use keep one at the ready when we go for a shot. Wonder why. It took me some time to keep both eyes open in a crowd when I'm searching for shots. Still, I automatically close down otherwise.
  • Die Doro 07/12/2009 20:38

  • DRAGA PUC 04/12/2009 16:54

    congratilation for the *.
  • Uwe Vollmann 04/12/2009 11:30

    Hallo Adele, ein tolles Bild, das vor allem in SW sehr schön zur Geltung kommt! Gratulation zum verdienten Sternchen! Ich freue mich mit Dir über diesen schönen Erfolg!
    LG Uwe
  • Giorgio Peracchio 02/12/2009 22:48

    Bai bisticciare col barbiere !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Stupenda, Ciaooo !!
  • Stefan S. Mosley 02/12/2009 14:09

    He's surely a sight to behold! Great shot, Adele, congratulations.
  • Jürgen Cron 02/12/2009 13:32

    Congatulation Adele und nichts zu danken, es ist ein sehr schönes Monochrombild und einem ehenmaligen Kollegen von mir werde ich doch immer unterstützen, nur das die Kameras die ich damals bedient habe etwas größer waren:-)

    vlg. Jürgen...
  • Claudio Micheli 02/12/2009 13:00

    ....congratulations, Adele!
    2 new little stars! I'm happy for you!
    Ciao, Claudio
  • Canan Oner 02/12/2009 11:24

    Congratulations Adele...
  • CsomorLászló 01/12/2009 11:06

  • Silvia Corvalan 30/11/2009 16:48 Comentario de la votación

  • Brigitte von der Twer 30/11/2009 16:48 Comentario de la votación

    big pro!!
  • Nick Topouzelis 30/11/2009 16:48 Comentario de la votación

  • willy ombret 30/11/2009 16:48 Comentario de la votación
