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Pampered Pets luxury Boutique for the Pampered Pet located in Dubai Marina. The owner of the brand Pampered Pets is Aksana Demakina, a german TV personality turned businesswoman in Dubai. Aksana loves dogs, she is posing with a tiny Yorkshire Terrier during a pet event at Pampered Pets. Pampered Pets is one of the most famous pet stores in the Middle East.

Comentarios 2

  • Charly Charity 10/05/2017 7:54

    Eine schrille Welt ;-))*
    ... und herrliche Aufnahme!*****
    Herzlich willkommen in der fc! Ich wünsche
    dir viel Spaß und weiterhin so wunderbare
    Motive ;-)*
    lg Dagmar
  • Armin Bredel Photography 07/05/2017 14:05

    Der Hund schaut wie das Frauchen, echt klasse :-)