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St. Mary Magdalen's Church Graveyard

St. Mary Magdalen's Church Graveyard

3.452 3

Hans-Reiner Bohn

Premium (World), Weil der Stadt

St. Mary Magdalen's Church Graveyard

A Saxon wooden church stood here a thousand years ago, but this was burnt down in 1074. Robert D'Oyly, the Norman Constable of Oxford, built a single aisle chapel to replace the wooden church. Saint Hugh, the Bishop of Lincoln, rebuilt the church in 1194. Following the English Reformation, the church's patronage passed from St Frideswide's to Christ Church. In 1841–42, George Gilbert Scott, then young and unknown, rebuilt the chancel and the north aisle. This complemented his Martyrs' Memorial just north of the church. It was the first Victorian Gothic interior in Oxford.

Compared to other Oxford churches, it is relatively high, with a strong emphasis on Anglo-Catholicism.
The bells in the church have been rung regularly by the Oxford University Society of Change Ringers since the 1930s. They were augmented to be a ring of 10 bells in 2002
source: wikipedia

Comentarios 3

  • claudine capello 16/08/2015 22:10

    il prete capo della chiesa che si vede lo potrebbe mantenere un po !!!!! peccato lasciare un cimitero in questo stato !!! complimenti interessante e bella foto cl
  • Vitória Castelo Santos 16/08/2015 20:00

    Großartig von Dir aufgenommen!
    LG Vitoria
  • Storyteller 16/08/2015 19:13

    A magic place. When fading out the touribus it looks like from another century. Wonderful foto.