Abbin Chittilappilly

Free Account, Thrissur

Sobre mi

I am a student, and I would like to become a great photographer. I take photos in my friends camera, and post in this community, if any one likes my photographs they buy it, and with that money I need to buy a good camera.

Comentarios 4

  • Adele D. Oliver 09/07/2012 21:46

    Hello and welcome ! Great to see that you joined our big family. I am sure you will enjoy posting your photos and seeing the pictures of other members. I wish you lots of new friends and much fun and always "good light"!!
    greetings from Vancouver,
    Adele - Nature Channel Manager
  • Sanja Kukor 08/07/2012 18:06

    thank you for your visit and comment.
    Greetings from Croatia. Sanja
  • Andreas Gleie 08/07/2012 11:56

    Herzlich Willkommen in der FC!

    Ich wünsche dir viel Spaß und Tolle Bilder.

    lieben Gruß

    Andreas Gleie

    Raupe der Pyramideneule
    Raupe der Pyramideneule
    Andreas Gleie
  • Hagen H. 08/07/2012 9:48


    ...herzlich Willkommen im Club der Fotoverrückten und Selbstdarsteller.
    Ich wünsche dir immer ein tolles Motiv, im richtigen Licht !!!

    Mfg Hagen H.
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