Jatmika Jati

Free Account, Jakarta

Sobre mi

i was born in semarang, and interest with photograph since in visual art dept. from IKIP semarang

(Fotografi adalah hobby yang kebetulan pas dan sesuai dengan bidang kerja saya saat ini sebagai seorang Art Director di Tactics Com)

Comentarios 4

  • Julia Kretsch 09/12/2006 22:52

    Jatmika, you have very beautiful photographs! Can't wait to see more of your work. Congratulations!
  • Doug Hough 02/12/2006 5:16

    Hi Jatmika,

    Thank you for your kind comments on my "Infinity" image. Your thoughts are always appreciated.

    Best Wishes, Doug
  • Rieva Azrul A 24/08/2006 13:28

    welcome to FC pak :)
    hope u can share much here :)
  • Dominikus Septiasto 24/01/2006 9:35

    liat2 foto saya ya..
    foto anda bagus2 sekali..
    salam kenal..
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