Jesus D.r

Free Account

Comentarios 3

  • When 29/10/2006 9:15

    Hello. A warm welcome to FC from colorful Seattle, Washington. If you need any help getting around just give me a Quick Message. Yellow buddy light on. Make sure to join us in the forums and introduce yourself in the Meet and Greet section.
  • Gap a p 28/10/2006 16:20

    hola jesus. ya eres un nuevo usuario de FC, ahora tienes que crearte tu perfil y ponerte una foto de presentacion.
    y a mirar fotos y ponerles comentarios.
  • Dirk Hofmann 28/10/2006 13:18

    i also want to say: "welcome"

    hope you enjoy your stay and find some new friends around here pretty soon ... :-)

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