lisa bell

Free Account, Derbyshire

Sobre mi

Hi, I'm Lisa Bell. proud owner of a camera who hasn't taken pictures since leaving college over half my life ago.
A conversation about 'what if' surprised my husband when he learned I had always dreamed of being a photographer for National Geographic and went to study it at college, until something happened and I gave it all up. Now over 20 years later he buys me a camera and tripod with 3 lenses (multi purpose and suits all occasions said the man in the shop)
I love the camera even though it probably would not have been my choice I love being brought back to life again.
He thinks it hilarious how everything I see is now through an imaginary lens and the car is brought to a sharp stop while I jump out the car and snap away.
I live close to a Canal and have a small Narrowboat so lots of my pictures are about that, I live close to the Peak District so often take the dogs out for a walk and take pictures there.
I feel young again even though the cameras have changed so much, digital in the eighties?
No need for developing fluids with printers in every supermarket and emails!
I am getting used to everything and loving doing so.
I know my dream of working for National Geographic is probably long gone now but he also bought me a National Geographic camera bag to make me feel as if I might.
Thank you Andy for the kick start.

Comentarios 5

  • Jürgen Kolinski 22/01/2008 8:21

    Hi Lisa,
    thanks for your very nice comment.
    c u soon.
    cheers .jk
  • Ricko 20/01/2008 1:40

    Cheers Iisa.
    I am sure you we have a great time.
    Can't wait to see the pic's.
    Safe riding and make a hell of alot of nosie out their.
  • Alenka A 12/01/2008 22:36

    Thank you for comment.
  • joão palmeiro 05/01/2008 18:27

    thnks very much and wellcome

  • felidae. 03/01/2008 20:31

    Welcome to the
    We`re glad that you`ve found this place to share your passion for photography.

    For further help you can have a look at the following links :

    For online help, just look here:

    If there is still anything else you want to know, don´t hesitate to write us.

    Enjoy the fotocommunity! :-) :-) :-)

    Grit Siwonia, Youth channel manager
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