Alex Hein

Free Account, Troisdorf

Sobre mi

Don't always specialize in one direction, try to keep open minded and turn your Head around more often. This way you will see much more interesting things, you haven't noticed in the first place.
This is pretty much the thing I do. Photography is not (yet) my profession, but it is my passion. Maybe this is why I can shoot just the things I'd like to see in my photobooks.
And even when the day may come, that my passion will become a profession, I still hope that I will have enough time left to stroll around and photograph the interesting things that exist all around us.

I started taking photographs in August 2011, so I ask you to give me as much feedback as possible on any of my pictures.
And if there is anyone from near Cologne, Germany, who would like to take some pictures with me, let me know.
I always look for people who share my interest and are willing to work with me to make great art.

Comentarios 1

  • Alex Hein 03/09/2012 4:25

    Ich bin an TFP Anfragen aus der näheren Umgebung um Troisdorf oder Köln interessiert. Ich habe mit Models noch nicht viel Erfahrung, und würde das gerne ändern ;D
    Ich hab aber schon das ein oder andere Portrait gemacht, sodass Ihr euch sicher seien könnt, am Ende das Set auch mit schönen Bildern zu verlassen.
    Schreibt mich doch einfach mal an, und teilt mir eure Wünsche mit.
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Canon EOS 600D

35mm f/1.4
50mm f/1.4

Kleines improvisiertes (aber mobiles) Heim-Studio mit verschiedenen Lichtquellen, Reflektoren, Stativen, Hintergründen und Remote-Systemblitzen.