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Profilbild: "The Navigator" / Buster Keaton / USA 1924


Buster's Bedroom

A dreamy-eyed young woman, Micha (Ooms), is intent on immersing herself in the life and work of her icon, the comic actor, Buster Keaton. Micha soon finds herself in Santa Barbara at Nirvana House, a large, mostly abandoned villa. The residents are a strange group of characters that appear to inhabit lives outside of real time. Nirvana House is also the location where Keaton himself frequented over his alcohol problems and was even detained in a straitjacket in the villa. Micha shares this history in common with her idol when she is also placed in a straitjacket but manages to escape.

At Nirvana House, Micha meets Dr. O'Connor (Sutherland), who heads the operation and has a penchant for poisonous snakes. She also meets a bitter scotch-drinking ex-actress, Diana (Chaplin). Diana uses a wheelchair as the result of a psychosomatic ailment. Also at Nirvana House is Warlock (Warrilow), an asexual beekeeper entranced by pollination. Other residents of the facility include a crazed pianist and a sailor-obsessed middle-aged gardener.

Another resident is the former prima donna, Serafina (Cortese), who keeps butterflies in her icebox, who frequent an area of the sanatorium known as the Pavilion of Love to play dramatic scenes of welcoming back the Legionnaire, Joe (Wuttke) from the war. The pair sleep together only for Serafina to reject Joe in the morning, doubting his valiance alongside those who died at war, and pulling a fake trigger to his head. However things become dangerous when reality overcomes the fantasy of Nirvana House. This is especially true when Diana develops very jealous feelings over Micha's relationship with Dr. O'Connor
( Quelle: Wikipedia )

Eine Filmstudentin landet auf der Spurensuche nach ihrem Idol im Sanatorium
Die Filmstudentin Micha verehrt den Stummfilmhelden Buster Keaton. Dessen Artistik und maskenhafte Unberührbarkeit sind für sie zur fixen Idee geworden. Auf den Spuren ihres Idols landet Micha in dem altehrwürdigen Sanatorium "Nirvana House" in der mexikanischen Wüste. Dort soll sich Keaton in den 30er Jahren einer Alkohol-Entziehungskur unterzogen haben. Je enger Michas Kontakt zum Anstaltsleiter O'Connor ­ selbst ein Patient ­ wird, desto mehr muß sie die Eifersucht einer anderen Patientin, Mrs. Daniels, fürchten… In weitgehend verschlüsselten Bildern erzählt die Regisseurin und Bildhauerin Rebecca Horn (der Arte den heutigen Themenabend widmet) von der Weltsicht und Komik Keatons. So gerät die absurde Reiseerzählung zu einem symbolbeladenen Werk voll abstrusem Witz.

Eine skurrile, symbolhafte Hommage an ein Idol

( c i n e m a )

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Studium Kulturwissenschaften ( ABK )
Schwerpunkt: Restaurierung
Spezialisierung auf Fotografie und Film
Freier Restaurator

Labor für Mikrofotografie ( MicroLab )

Jetzige Tätigkeiten: Surfen im Bildermeer und Fotorecherche von privatem Interesse.

THE NAVIGATOR von Buster Keaton / Live-Musik: Richard Siedhoff

The Who - Quadrophenia (Full Album) 1973

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