Frank Capristo III

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Sobre mi

Since this is an international site, I am going to write in English, but I also speak fluent German. I am currently living and working in Würzburg, Germany, but originally from a small town in Upstate New York, USA.

My interests, hobbies & activities include, but are not limited to women, cars, hiking/backpacking, camping, climbing, skiing, sleding, snowshoeing, sailing, kayaking, rowing, sunsets, thunder storms, the stars, the way the colors seem to pop out an hour before the sun goes down. I find woodworking relaxing and nothing is better than making your own furniture, stained a dark red oak. I enjoy reading, but more so love to write poetry and essays about ideas, feelings & humor. I like going dancing, and going Latin American Dancing. I like to travel when the chance arises. I love old school racing, and racing itself. I can play the trumpet. I enjoy a good glass of red wine or a nice Bavarian Hefe-Weizen.

I enjoy photography with my Canon Digital Rebel (300D) & G7, printing my pictures out then hanging them on the wall. In addition to my website, a larger selection of my photos can be found under:

If you want to know more, just ask.
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