Geertjan Windemuller

Premium (Basic), Venray

Sobre mi


Ich bin Geertjan Windemuller,

Mein Deutsch ist nicht so gut wie mein Englisch, so wenn ich mich nicht gut ausdrücke, verzeihung bitte. Deshalb schreibe ich Deutsch und English.

Welcome on my fotocommunity-homepage.

I live at the other side of the border at Niederrhein airport.

It's exciting to make a beautiful photo which moves the emotions of me and others and gives good and exiting feelings. And I make photo's in B/W and color

I like to make photo's and change them with computer software PS-CS2 (verfremdungen).
The only handicap I have doing this is that I am red-green colorblind.

I use a Nikon F50 and D70 with a Nikon 18-70 and a Sigma 100-300 zoomlense.

On top of it I can use additional lenses of 1, 2 and 4 dioptries for semi-macro and macro photos.

I also use a Fuji Finepix Z2 Kamera which I can have with me all the time.

I hope I will get a lot of comment and critics on my pictures, so don't hesitate cause I hope to learn from it.

And besides all of this I do filming with digital video too and compose the film on my PC.

Geertjan Windemuller
  • 34 6
  • 243 35
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