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BEAUTIFUL EARTH (ISS / Night & Day / Aurora) Time-lapse 4K VIDEO

BEAUTIFUL EARTH (ISS / Night & Day / Aurora) Time-lapse 4K VIDEO

31.922 4

Stefan Zimmermann

Premium (Pro), Karlsruhe

BEAUTIFUL EARTH (ISS / Night & Day / Aurora) Time-lapse 4K VIDEO

The photo itself serves as a placeholder and was cut from the video, I'm interested in linking to my YouTube video.

Over 85.000 photos with over 120 gigabyte of the last 8 years International Space Station allowed me to create this fantastic video.

Images courtesy of the Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit, NASA Johnson Space Center ( .
Thanks a lot for that!

The quality of the photos was in a very bad condition and I had spent over 150 hours sorting out and processing the photos.
Approximately 95% of all image errors were corrected. For the remaining 5% I would have to invest another 300 hours, I think.
I prefer to invest this time for new videos :-)

For the best possible 4K quality the photos were processed with state-of-the-art tools and converted into a time-lapse video.
I hope you like it a bit?

I´am Stefan.
My passion is to collect as many as possible great moments in life. Some of them you will find here.

Comentarios 4

  • Nguyen nam 30/04/2020 5:28

    hi Stefan Zimmermann! 
    You can check your email
  • Rullik 17/05/2019 8:00

    Tolle Aufnahmen!!!
    LG Rudi
  • H - D - S 11/11/2018 16:41

    Gefällt mir auch gut der Schnitt, ich lass das Video aber mit halber Geschwindigkeit laufen.Ist dann etwas meditativer ;-)
  • Klaus Degen 11/11/2018 15:29

    Das Video ist große Klasse. So etwas habe ich bisher noch nicht gesehen...
    Wie kommt man an die Originalbilder der ISS? Sind die frei zugänglich?
    lg Klaus