1.780 12

Cotton Eye Tsoe

Wer groehlt mit???????

If it hadn't been for Cotton-Eye Tsoe
I'ld been married long time ago
Where did you come from where did you go
Where did you come from Cotton-Eye Tsoe

He came to town like a midwinter storm
He rode srough se fields so handsome and strong
His eyes was his tools and his smile was his gun
But all he had come for was having some fun

If it hadn't been for Cotton-Eye Tsoe
I'd been married long time ago
Where did you come from where did you go
Where did you come from Cotton-Eye Tsoe

He brought disaster wherever he went
Se hearts of se girls was to hell broken sent
Sey all ran away so nobody would know
and left only men cause of Cotton-Eye Tsoe

Gotta work...

Now everybody daens!!!!!

If it hadn't been for Cotton-Eye Tsoe
I'd been married long time ago
Where did you come from where did you go
Where did you come from Cotton-Eye Tsoe


Comentarios 12

  • Alf Tanner 15/03/2005 16:02

    Ich glaube dass sich haeseken Hase mit mir gut vertragen würde. Schau mal in mein Profil ;-)
  • Klaus Tijink 14/03/2005 21:58

    Bin noch heiser vom Sauerlandlied.
    Brauch erst was, um die Kehle zu
    schmieren ;-)
  • A.Soul- Lichtbildnerin 14/03/2005 18:05

    schick schick;-)....herb männlich markant aus dem marlboro country;-)...*g*..geli
  • zwitscherelfe 14/03/2005 16:17

    fesches häseken!

    If it hadn't been for Cotton-Eye Tsoe
    I'ld been married long time ago
    Where did you come from where did you go
    Where did you come from Cotton-Eye Tsoe

    He came to town like a midwinter storm
    He rode srough se fields so handsome and strong
    His eyes was his tools and his smile was his gun
    But all he had come for was having some fun

    If it hadn't been for Cotton-Eye Tsoe
    I'd been married long time ago
    Where did you come from where did you go
    Where did you come from Cotton-Eye Tsoe

    He brought disaster wherever he went
    Se hearts of se girls was to hell broken sent
    Sey all ran away so nobody would know
    and left only men cause of Cotton-Eye Tsoe

  • ZER0 14/03/2005 15:30

    pass auf deine samtigen pfötchen auf häseken, die baumstümpfe eitern nur schlecht raus...

  • Mona Lisa 14/03/2005 15:13

    Du verwegener Naturbursche, du! :-)))
  • .ina. 14/03/2005 14:59

    yippieh, Baumwollauge Johannes. (o:
  • Häseken Hase 14/03/2005 14:54

    As Sarlotte, das tut mis dos verwegen massen!
  • Charlotte Steffan 14/03/2005 14:53

    Also wenn du dich schon so fein als Cowboy anziehst, dass solltest du auch mal deinen Schnurri ein bisschen in Ordnung bringen!!
  • Christoph Lauber 14/03/2005 14:40

  • Häseken Hase 14/03/2005 14:36

    is tu Haeseken Hase heissen tun, Alf!
  • Alf Tanner 14/03/2005 14:29

    Wie heisst denn nun der süsse Knirps?
    LG Alf