Peter Windhövel

Premium (World), Home is Where My Heart is


At the Farm you'll get some lessons before you can see the huge animal-farm- aera:
Certainly you know, in nature that the female crocs lay up to 20 eggs into the hot sands and watch them until the babies hatch out.
Here we learnt a NEW version:
The adults after laying don't care about their breed,so it would be easy for the farmworkers to take the eggs out of the sand and put them carefully without shaking or turning them into a breeding-machine. After hatching out the babies are taken into separate water-basins, each generation for its own.
Shortly after the entrance you are confronted with other stories as the pictures show: Anormal creatures, caused by uncarefully collected eggs (nor turning, nor shaking).

Hier lernten wir, dass Anormalitäten entstehen durch unachtsames Einsammeln der von den Croc-Weibchen verlassenen Eier. (Doch man hat früher im Unterricht gelernt, dass Krokodilweibchen nach der Ei-Ablagebesonders auf die Eier achten, das Ausschlüpfen der Jngen besonders bewachen und sogar die Jungen in ihren Mäulern vor Feinden an geschützte Stellen bringen).

Peter Windhövel

Comentarios 2

  • Michael80 Wilhelm 01/08/2007 23:08

    the right one is not ok? look like little aliens,
    I imagine pictures of sweet bleeping crocos first catching little water insects and grow.... and grow and getting large dragons (:-)
  • Maike Paulus 26/06/2007 20:46

    Bildaufteilung etwas ungünstig, da es der Aussage im Text nicht ganz so gleich steht. Sind das auch Kroko-Eier?
    Interessant wäre, was die Jungtiere dann so machen.

    ;-) Maike