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Der zeitlose Turm der Stille

Der zeitlose Turm der Stille

1.505 3

G. Scharff

Free Account, Aschaffenburg

Der zeitlose Turm der Stille

Englische Beschreibung :
the timeless tower of silence, who are the speechless words are keeped, from a fairy who have always the key for it .
the magic in us, give all to this planet, to know who we are, is a gift, to be is magic . we have always this keys in our hand, we must only know how and when we us it.
some day we will stay in front of the mirror and then we will ask ourself where is my key, but know, its always there we must only see .

thanks for thoughts
danke für gedanken

gescannte Bleistiftzeichnung Painter und Photoshop
scanned pencilwork finished in painter and photoshop

Comentarios 3

  • Anoli 02/12/2006 20:53

    Wie aus einem Feen-Märchenbuch!! Wunderschön-warme Farben.
    LG Ilona
  • G. Scharff 02/12/2006 20:17

    danke schön für deine worte es ist wirklich ein geschenk.
  • 5 Snow 02/12/2006 19:35

    eine andere welt, super gemacht+++
    lg sven