3.498 4

Fitness Studio

Mit dem Auto zum Fitness-Studio zu fahren um dort Indoor Fahrrad zu fahren, diese Logik erschließt sich mir nicht.

Driving the car to the gym to ride indoor bikes, this logic does not open to me.

Comentarios 4

  • I_play 26/03/2023 11:35

    buongiorno andreas.   paying to kill yourself with fatigue doesn't make sense for me either. I know many free ways, as long as I can I use those. maybe we can't ' think warm ' this is the trouble
    • Andreas Konieczka 26/03/2023 11:54

      The first thing the team leader asked me was, who is doing sports? Before anyone answered, he said, leave it, don’t kill yourself.
    • I_play 26/03/2023 11:59

      the best sport, after what is already known (unbeatable), is 'coughing on the sofa' . (i am joking) (partially)
    • Andreas Konieczka 26/03/2023 16:06

      In the Cauch sit marathon I’m almost unbeatable.