1.062 3

Comentarios 3

  • Kenny Jazz 22/05/2006 22:11

    Proubably this stone structure look like ancient castle survived from old times. And now we can see it in very freakish forms. From other side i cant explain for myself why such kind of fantastic shapes are appearing if it is not the traces of old civilizations. Very possible that this is the way how God examinate people. Very good point for making shot.
  • Jürgen Gregor 29/06/2005 13:20

    Tolle Perspektive - schade, daß das kräftige Gelb des Gesteins nicht so rüberkommt.
    vg Jürgen
  • Marjan Donko 07/06/2005 15:51

    beeindruckende Perspektive
    VG Marjan
    urknall - THEORIE !
    urknall - THEORIE !
    Marjan Donko