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Guesthouse cottages in Nong Khiew village

Guesthouse cottages in Nong Khiew village

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Premium (World), Bangkok

Guesthouse cottages in Nong Khiew village

Our stay for an amazing experience we made in Nong Khiew.
Nong Khiew Village is located on the Maenam Ou, two hours north of Luang Prabang and less than an hour from the Thailand border. The majestic terrain is highlighted by mountains, which are characteristically draped with vegetation above and encompassed by stark, vertical faces. These mountains host caves that provided shelter during the Vietnam War. In fact, bomb craters are still evident today, and many elders among the residents show injuries sustained from bombs and land mines.

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Carpeta All across Laos
Vistas 2.437


Cámara NIKON D200
Objetivo ---
Diafragma 6.3
Tiempo de exposición 1/125
Distancia focal 60.0 mm
ISO 125

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