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lang vorbei - Mitte Mai

lang vorbei - Mitte Mai

997 2

lang vorbei - Mitte Mai

aus meinem Archiv
hierfür nötige Trapez-Entzerrung

lang vorbei - ... 2
lang vorbei - ... 2
Albrecht Klöckner

Comentarios 2

  • Albrecht Klöckner 09/12/2008 11:16

    Hallo Serge, it seems to be difficult to get in touch with you. I had sent you a QuickMessage giving my email address and requesting yours so I could give you more detailled information on how I did this 3D. Unfortunately, my message seems not to have reached you. May be you find some other way to tell me your email address rather than blazoning it out here.
    Kind regards and seasons greetings!
  • Serge Côté 04/12/2008 13:46

    I like what you do Albrecht. You are a man of thousan of 3D experimentations. Can you explain me what you did on this one in english please ?
