Franz Schmied

Premium (World), ottensheim/linz

Comentarios 10

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  • Elisabeth Schiess 04/10/2003 23:37

    @Rahel:danke für diesen Text,ich drucks mir aus!
    LG ES
  • Rahel B. 28/09/2003 9:58

    You may not believe it
    But I don't believe in miracles anymore
    And when I think about it
    I don't believe I ever did for sure
    All the things I've said in songs
    All the purple prose you bought from me
    Reality's just black and white
    The sentimental things I'd write
    Never meant that much to me

    I used to be the main express
    All steam and whistles heading west
    Picking up my pain from door to door
    Riding on the storyline
    Furnace burning overtime
    But this train don't stop,
    This train don't stop,
    This train don't stop there anymore

    You don't need to hear it
    But I'm dried up and sick to death of love
    If you need to know it
    I never really understood that stuff
    All the stars and bleeding hearts
    All the tears that welled up in my eyes
    Never meant a thing to me
    Read 'em as they say and weep
    I've never felt enough to cry

    When I said that I don't care
    It really means my engine's breaking down
    The chisel chips my heart again
    The granite cracks beneath my skin
    I crumble into pieces on the ground

    - Elton John
  • Elisabeth Schiess 27/09/2003 12:05

    Trotz Schieflage angekommen!
    Was du wieder aus der Situation gemacht hast:ich staune schon nimmer...
    LG Eli
  • Heinz Markytan 27/09/2003 11:18

    Auch für Schachspieler und Raucher stellt sich immer wieder die Frage nach dem letzten Zug. ;-)
    Gruss Heinz
  • Mats Vanselow 26/09/2003 23:24

    schön gesehen... Die Sonne passt.

    Viele Grüße
  • El Fi 26/09/2003 22:26

    gefällt mir sehr gut
  • WolfTek 26/09/2003 21:30

    Ich dachte, nur die Deutsche Bahn hat Schieflage... scheint aber mehr ein paneuropäisches Problem zu sein.
  • Nati H. 26/09/2003 20:07

    last train to . . .
    . . Memphis
    . . Trancentral
    . . Skaville
    . . Lhasa
    . . Salinas
    . . San . . .
  • Stefan Negelmann 26/09/2003 19:43

    die Überstrahlung und die Blendenflecke machen hier das besondere Bild - mir gefällt es gut.

  • ReHase 26/09/2003 19:32

    Der Geisterzug ... Szene, wie aus einem alten Film ...
    LG Renate