
Sometimes I don't make - any drawings before ..
When I do intuitive arts - etc. - when I get a bright smile in my face - like it was here - I know - stop - probably it's ready - some hours and days - I observe and watch it again and again - and most of the times I leave it like that - like in this case ..
Most Creatives know that great feeling - I think you too..
..Let your phantasy flow ..
... Later I will tell you what I see ...
One could even turn it 180 - and you see what?
So and if I may suggest sth. .. it's story time ..
If sb. might say to you - you are not creative - as it happened to me as I was very young - so I really thought a while long - I am not talented enough ..
Never let such things stop you from trying and just starting and doing it ... my experience nowadays ..
and may be you even realise you are not only good at it - but you are even better then them - even surpassing them all .. and they may be only said that to you out of envy or just to keep you - your light and love small .
And I really do wish everybody - especially whom happened things like that all success.
AND - if you like what you do - and your results - that's the most important thing - sometimes it is even better - to first keep it just for yourself - and also nobody else must
like it . . and even if you don't like it yourself - never just throw it into the trash box ..
A little true wonder full story to that..
I lately spoke to a very lovely female artist.. she has developed a very unique style of fine arts ..
She told me sth. about her story .. her way to success ..she was her first years in that little village where she is
born - not taken seriously ..what I never thought and nearly could'nt believe at all ..
the first 5 to 6 years ..she started telling me - imagine - people said .. watching from outside through the windows - never came in .. they said - it looks like a child is drawing there and were gossiping and slandering a lot about her ..
She has her own gallery since many years - after 25 years of working - people came - new business collaboration partners etc. - and they liked exactly her first works she did - the most - and they were even not to be seen in her gallery ..
- and she said - I never ever thought that sb. would like them - I wanted to throw them in the trash ..I am so glad I didn't..
And now her art is worldwide known meanwhile ..
Published by really big publishers
she was watching out for - for many - many years - and she nearly gave it up ..
She released it ..
And - et voila -
then they came ..
Monique Vianne

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