N/A Imagen & Foto | portrait, women, people Fotos de fotocommunity
N/A Imagen & Foto de Matani ᐅ Mira y evalúa la foto de manera gratuita en fotocommunity.es. Descubre más fotos aquí.
It has the intimacy that every portrait should have. Darkness arround is my concept of it: to bring the subject closer to you, to make the bond. You did it here.
Greetings Sebastian
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John Willems 08/05/2009 1:13
That's beautiful with great light and tons of mood!!Super image !!
sebastian romero 15/12/2008 15:52
It has the intimacy that every portrait should have. Darkness arround is my concept of it: to bring the subject closer to you, to make the bond. You did it here.Greetings Sebastian
Monique LEROUDIER 27/11/2008 13:17
Mon Dieu que c'est beau ce que tu as fait ! ... Compliments ! ... Amitiés ... MLnordseewelle 25/11/2008 23:27
Maria Rex 25/11/2008 19:28
scary...Claude Coeudevez 25/11/2008 16:14
EXCELLENT ***** ( public favourite ...)