4.105 3


9x12 Sinar dia

Comentarios 3

  • John Moore 16/05/2005 23:24

    Octavio, please, please don't put a scrumptious pizza like that on the web, with a bottle of vino rosso.
    It is 5 am and I feel like licking the computer screen to
    taste it.
    Rather send us the recipe to make one!!! Obrigado, obrigado meu amigo.

  • Brigitte G. 26/10/2004 9:05

    hmmmmm...lecker!!! ;o))) Eine wunderbare Präsentation
    LG Brigitte
  • Jochen Schmidt-Oehm 25/10/2004 12:12

    Octavio, I get hungry. ;-))
    I like it.