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Searchpicture's illustrated dictionary for Germans - part 18

Searchpicture's illustrated dictionary for Germans - part 18

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Premium (Complete), Bardowick

Searchpicture's illustrated dictionary for Germans - part 18

Searchpicture's illustrated dictionary for Germans - part 18

In this lesson: "I’M GOING TO MAKE HIM AN OFFER HE CAN’T REFUSE" = „Ich werde ihm ein Angebot machen, das er nicht ablehnen kann“

The two sinister (1) characters had undoubtedly strong arguments for their offerings. The photographer, however, remained steadfast (2), did not buy anything and went after a short battle of words (3) quickly his way.

Ok, the real reason was that the clothes were not for his age group. He is too old for the young fashion in this shop.

(1) finster, unheimlich
(2) standhaft
(3) Wortgefecht

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