Season's Greetings To All
from the Festival of Lights at Vancouver's VanDusen Gardens ....
and all my best wishes to my friends and their loved ones and everybody at FC for a peaceful festive season .... may youl find peace and quiet moments of enjoyment and the special feelings that come with this time of year - Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah to all who celebrate these days !!!
Nadège3 04/01/2016 13:28
Je découvre ta jolie carte de Noel, j'espère que tu as passée de bonnes fê merci pour cette jolie carte avec ces "Etres de Lumière" venus célébrer cette période avec nous !!! bises nadege !Natalie16 28/12/2015 23:38
Thanks for good wishes, Adele. I wish you and your family a very Happy New Year full of happiness and health.Best regards, Natalie
Jojo. 28/12/2015 9:01
Meilleurs vœux 2016Bises
gemblue 28/12/2015 4:48
I am a little late ....but never the less I hope your Holidays were wonderful!Looking forward to the new year!
Greetings, Gi
chantal Montmasson in Ghiroldi 27/12/2015 22:04
Molto bella ! CiaoLuigi Scorsino 27/12/2015 17:00
All my best wishes for a wonderful New Yearluigi
emen49 27/12/2015 9:03
Zauberhaft...Danke Dir....
Ich wünsche Dir und Deinen Lieben ein gutes Jahr 2016, vor allem Gesundheit und Frieden.
Liebe Grüße
Gasser Lisbeth 26/12/2015 18:35
Une jolie carte de Noël !Merci Adele !
Tous mes meilleurs voeux pour 2016
Amitiés, Lisbeth
sparkling light 26/12/2015 13:18
my best wishes for Christmas and a good start in 2016.Thanks for giving us such wonderful photos, especially those from your sailing trip !
gr. Jost
silvanaW 25/12/2015 21:38
Wonderful,dear Adele ¡¡Markus 4 25/12/2015 18:07
Danke Adele,das wünsch ich Dir auch
Frohe Festtage
Markus 4Habedieehre
Inge Striedinger 24/12/2015 21:04
Danke und ebenfalls frohe Feiertage .... mit hugs!greetings, Inge
Alfred Schultz 24/12/2015 14:41
Have some wonderful days withyour family and take care in 2016.
Gruesse - Alfred
María de la Rosa 24/12/2015 8:22
Deryck 24/12/2015 8:00
Thank you Adele and we too wish you a wonderful Christmas and a joyous time with your loved onesDeryck