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Me and a couple of friends decided the night before to get up early next morning to watch the sunrise. Guess what happened? I was the only one who was keen enough to do it! So i went down to the beach by my own and watched the sun come up in an amazing light and peaceful mood... Had the beach for another three hours to myself.

Comentarios 4

  • Jana Pingu 11/04/2006 22:15

    Werde mich in Zukunft bemühen meine Sektionen genauer zu wählen;-)
  • Dick de Boom 11/04/2006 22:12

    Wonderful Photo! For me the bright spot in the bottom makes the picture!
  • Wolfgang Kölln 11/04/2006 22:01

    Ich finde, die Reflektion im welligen Sand gehört unbedingt zum Bild; wenn man hier beschneidet, würde das Foto erheblich an Kraft verlieren!

    Schöne Story, Jana, klingt sehr romantisch!
    Gruß Wolfgang

    PS: Was ich aber nach wie vor nicht so toll finde, ist deine Sektionswahl bei deinen Fotos ;-)
  • Sergej Henze 11/04/2006 21:52

    An excellent shot. One can imagine the sound of the running waves.
    P.S. Just one suggestion: I would cut the bottom of the picture.The bright spot in the bottom distracts attention...