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the dead sea right after dawn

the dead sea right after dawn

2.342 6

Esti Eini

Free Account, Raanana

Comentarios 6

  • Wayne Tsipouras 17/11/2005 12:26

    A magical place Esti,

  • Esti Eini 28/10/2005 13:14

    Thank you all,
    @John, Yes it is possible to float because of the salts, but if you have even the smallest wound it can hurt...
  • Anastasiya Ivanova 27/10/2005 16:13 really need to be closer to the dead sea. The glimmering from the sea surface does pretty fascinating.
  • John Bennett 27/10/2005 13:36

    Lovely picture and well captured. Is it true Esti that one can float on the dead sea because of the strong salt content?
  • Robert L. Roux 27/10/2005 4:30

    Ditto Falko - it's a magical place ...
    Regards - R
  • Seagaul 26/10/2005 23:32

    Never seen such a pic form the dead sea!