Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

Under the Burrard Bridge

a hot Summer's day and everybody is out on the water ...

Comentarios 22

  • Louis Constant Duit 08/02/2016 21:14

    this composition really works, beautiful!
  • Sergey Freeman 28/08/2013 7:23

    I should note, Adele, that school of bridge building in Canada at a high level. You have a country has many beautiful bridges. Many of them are remarkable examples of engineering.
  • JURAFR 12/08/2013 13:17

    Beaucoup de navigation ici !!!! belle perspective sur ce pont
  • Andreas Wellnitz 11/08/2013 18:50

    Berge und Meer,was will man mehr,ich wünsche Dir einen schönen Sonntag,lg.Andreas!
  • Brilu 11/08/2013 7:18

    Ein tolles Bild! Du lebst in einer fantastischen Stadt. LG Brigitte
  • dirk van Appeldorn 11/08/2013 4:12

    seems to be pretty busy
  • Inge Striedinger 10/08/2013 22:25

    Wundervoll .... die Brücke bildet den Rahmen für die Berge!
    greetings, Inge
  • Jürg Scherrer 10/08/2013 19:51

    Dear Adele -
    very interesting picture of this impressive and great bridge contrrution. Many thanks and have a nice Sunday.
    Kindest regards - hugs!
  • chantal Montmasson in Ghiroldi 10/08/2013 14:57

    Molto bella ! Ciao Chantal
  • s. sabine krause 10/08/2013 13:16

    why is it that sights like this, boats coming one's way, always cause him to buck up a great deal? call me ishmael, if you want, but that's what images like yours do to landlubbers like me. whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly november in my soul; whenever i find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses*, and bringing up the rear of every funeral i meet; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically knocking people's hats off—then, i account it high time to get to sea as soon as I can. this is my substitute for pistol and ball.** – – sorry, just having a whale of a time here, adele! ; )) love the image! the sturdy bridge, the boats pouring in under it, the purple horizon and different shades of blue in the distant back – delightful!! hugs, sabine.
    *okay, now that's a little overly dramatic, i know… ; )
    **see previous footnote! ; ))
  • Lawson McCulloch 10/08/2013 9:57

    A lovely shot of this fine looking bridge Adele, captured with excellent detail.
    best wishes,
  • aline64 10/08/2013 9:19

    une belle prise de ce lieu avec ce pont au dessus, bravo pour ton cadrage Adèle
  • Helga Noll 10/08/2013 8:45

    ja, und du /ihr auch - hinaus - dorthin wo eine Abkühlung garantiert ist. :-))
    Grüße Helga
  • rocco di ciommo 10/08/2013 0:24

    ferro e cemento... maestoso !
  • Segura Carmona 09/08/2013 23:54

    Maravilloso encuadre, luz, color y gran edición, Un abrazo Adela,.


Carpeta Around Vancouver
Vistas 1.183


Cámara Canon PowerShot S3 IS
Objetivo Unknown 6-72mm
Diafragma 4
Tiempo de exposición 1/320
Distancia focal 22.5 mm
ISO 80