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Where the church has already become a ruin

Where the church has already become a ruin

7.398 2

Niko Cobben

Free Account, Maastricht

Where the church has already become a ruin

"Find me a lonely cave,
Remote from human kind,
Dark as the midnight grave,
And dismal as my mind.
There let me sigh my soul away,
And mourn at cruel death's delay."
(J. Eccles in the song Find me a lonely cave)

Amay-Ombret (B)

More pictures https;//

Comentarios 2

  • T. Schiffers 06/11/2021 21:51

    sehr starkes und eindrucksvolles ensemble...typ. belgien...das land der kontraste halt.tino
  • Thomas Tilker 19/05/2021 16:03

    Irgendwie ein düsterer Ort...da helfen auch die zarten Pflänzchen nicht.
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